Tuesday, July 28, 2009

10pt's!!!for Effects of Static charges pleace ^^?

1.What kind of charge is on an object if the object gains an excess of electrons?

2.If an object loses electrons, what kind of charge is on the object?

3.Why must a neutral object have an equal number of protons and electrons?

4.Explain why protons are not transferred when an object gains a charge.

5.(a)What is a coulomb?

(b)How many electrons make a coulomb of negative charge?

(c)What is the charge of one electron in coulombs?

6.If a student holding onto the dome of a machine called a Van de Graaff generator. When it is in operation, the dome of the machine becomes charged. Explain why the student's hair stand on end.

7.A student combed his hair and then brought the comb near some sawdust. At first, the sawdust was attracted to the comb. Then after touching the comb, it was repelled Explain these observations.

HELP ME!!!! THANK%26gt;"%26lt;!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10pt's!!!for Effects of Static charges pleace ^^?
1. If an object gains excess electrons then it has a net negative charge.

2. If an object loses electrons then it has a net positive charge.

3. For the pos and neg charge to "cancel out" making the atom neutral, there must be equal amounts of pos and neg charge.

4. Protons are bound in the nucleus. Only strong or weak nuclear force actions can change the atomic number of an atom. But since an atom can be positive, neutral, or negative, it simply gains or loses electrons, depending on the situation. This is much easier to do. Even a moderately energetic photon can rip electrons off their orbit.

5.a) A coulomb is an amount of charge that when two objects of that amount of charge, placed at 1 meter from each other, will feel a force of 9 x 10^9 Newtons!!!

b) 1.602 x 10^19 electrons per coulomb

c) 1.602 x 10^-19 coulombs per electron

6. The surface of the dome becomes charged. Since the student is touching it, he/she now is charged as tiny amounts of electricity seek the ground. In the process, the hair is ionized and so it stands up.

7. This process is known as induction. At first the comb is positively charged, lets say, and the sawdust is neutral. When you bring the comb close to the sawdust, there is a tiny electric field that induces a charge in the sawdust. Basically, all the charge in the sawdust is the same, but it pulls some of the electrons toward the comb slightly, making one side a little more negative then the other. When you touch the two together, the electrons jump to the comb, then they have the same charge and so they repel.

I hope this helps!!!

florist delivery

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