Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do these types of expressions mean in C++?

pDel -%26gt; setGE (1,1,0,0,0)


sABC.cHd.setSpaceCenter ((int)(0.5 *pProtocol -%26gt; Space().myvalue() ) );

also what do these types of declarations mean:

static sPHASE sDC ("sInputArg")

Is the function sDC being declared as type sPHASE?


What do these types of expressions mean in C++?
pDel -%26gt; setGE (1,1,0,0,0)

means invoke function setGE function in the class to which pDel is a pointer.

sABC.cHd.setSpaceCenter ((int)(0.5 *pProtocol -%26gt; Space().myvalue() ) ); means invoke the member function of the class of which cHd is declared to be an object. i.e: some where in your code you would have declared a variable cHd to be a class object, and you are invoking the function setSpaceCenter() with the arguments:

return value of pProtocol-%26gt;Space().myvalue() i.e: convert the return value of function Space() using the member function myvalue(), multiply it with 0.5 (gives a float value) then cast it to int.

the final value of this cast is given as input argument to setSpaceCenter().

statis sPHASE sDC("sInputArg");

means a class object sPHASE of class type sDC taking a single input to it's constructor "sInputArg" has been declared to be static, i.e; you don't need to call the constructor of that class to use sPHASE, you can simply call the variable

cout %26lt;%26lt; Someclass::sPHASE

or any such other use.

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