Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Write a C++ program that will find out the total amount of a customer's bill according to the items purchased.

Create two classes: Purchased_item, Bill

The Purchased_item should be having the following data members

" item_num //for item number

note: item_num //should be static. This data member will be used to display the item number whose information is currently required from the user

" price //for per unit price

" quantity //for quantity purchased

class Bill should have two data members

" total_amount //for the total amount of bill that is to be paid

" items[5] //an array of purchased_item; should be 5 in size

class Bill should also have a member function that is used to calculate the total amount and assign it to the data member , total_amount

Your program should take input of the price and quantity of 5 items and display the total amount after calculation.


enter price and purchased quantity of item 1



continue with each price and item quality

Write a C++ program that will find out the total amount of a customer's bill according to the items purchased.
I think that you should do your own homework. Try reading this tutorial if you have any doubts:

Reply:I hope i can complete it.

But i need some time.

IF you really want this project.

Then mail me at m_gopi_m@yahoo.co.in


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